See you in my 19th life: opinion on ep3-4

The story of Ban Ji Eum continues as she’s getting closer to her beloved Mun Seo Ha. She meets and bonds with her sister from a previous life and even gets a glimpse of her mother, learning how terribly hard all her lives were regarding family. Understandably, she refuses to meet her past families because she was hurt the very first time she was reborn. How cruel it is to be rejected by her own mother (that little girl with a mom from ep2 was actually her and her mom, not she as a mom with her child like I mistakenly thought) and how a little boy had to cope with it at very early ages of Korea with no help.

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See you in my 19th life: opinion on ep1-2

The new TVN series on Netflix tells the story of Ban Ji Eum, a girl who remembers all her previous 18 lives, and Mun Seo Ha, a guy she met in her previous life and wants to protect. The story has a unique perspective of someone experiencing the continuation of their story while for other characters this story is a new one. Ji Eum already knows Seo Ha and his story, she doesn’t need this dive-in as if their story just started. However, for Seo Ha it’s all new and he needs time to know her better. When people start their communication on this different level it gives a very interesting dynamic. Quite fast Seo Ha remembered a 9yo girl who helped him and proposed at the first meeting, so I think it won’t be long before he realizes she’s the reincarnation of Jun Won.

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